Amazing Ways to Feel Good When You’re Locked Down in Your Home

With the global pandemic COVID-19 currently wreaking havoc everywhere, social distancing and self-quarantine have become two of the most common practices in most households, no matter where you might be in the world. Now, more than ever, it has become more important to stay at home.


For people who are not used to spending all their time indoors, it might only be a matter of time before they go crazy with having to be indoors all the time and suffering from a lack of interesting activities. 


If you’re finding yourself bored while quarantining, the following are some good suggestions on how to make yourself feel better while you’re locked down in your home.


Make your bed first thing in the morning. 


This simple three-minute task can give you a positive start to your day. Being organised from the get-go can make you feel better, according to experts that profess its direct correlation to better productivity and improved budget-making skills. 


Display items of sentimental value around your home.


Examples of such items can be gifts from family members and even photos of memorable trips with your loved ones. Turn your home into a gallery of positive and happy memories, where you only need to look around your home and you’d be reminded of such memories.


Run a warm, cozy bubble bath.


Nothing can soak away the tiredness and lethargy like a rejuvenating bubble bath. You can spend as long as you want in the bath, or until your fingers prune up. Afterwards, wrap yourself with luxury bathrobes in Australia to fully enjoy that spa-like feeling.


Start a gratitude journal.


Nothing brings about happiness like feelings of gratitude. Right before you go to bed, take a journal and write down the things you’re thankful for on that particular day. Reflect on the good things that happened as well as the not-so-good things. Keeping a daily gratitude journal will also benefit you in the future when you get older and your memory starts to fail you. Your journal will be a means to remind you of the happy and blessed life you led. 


Get in touch with your loved ones and friends.


Just because you’re physically distant from your loved ones doesn’t mean you should maintain the same gap emotionally. This is the time to call your relatives and friends who are also quarantining in their homes. Ask how they’re doing and take this time to catch up on each others’ lives. Getting in touch with the important people in your life will help you feel not so isolated from other people.


Be kind to your family members.


We all know the saying “Familiarity breeds contempt.” And this couldn’t be more applicable than when you’re quarantining with your family in your house 24-7. Sometimes the constant togetherness can make it all the easier for you and your family to lose your temper with each other. This is why all of you should make it a point to always be kind to each other no matter how annoyed you might feel. Also, always do little favours for each other. 

Buying a House? Let’s Talk About Money Matters First

You’re excited to buy your first house, but as it turns out, the process is more complicated than you would have ever imagined, especially in the finance department. Buying a house is a huge investment after all. You need to take all the necessary steps to make sure that you’re still financially secure after you seal the deal. 

Pay off your debt and stay debt-free.

Owning a home is undoubtedly expensivemore expensive than renting because you will be responsible for maintenance costs. So before you dive into the home buying process and start looking for properties in Bloomdale, make sure that you pay off all your debt first to avoid digging a deeper hole for yourself. You should also have at least three months’ worth of expenses in an emergency fund so you’ll have money to use for unplanned expenses on top of paying the mortgage. 

Once you’re done paying off the debt, stay debt-free by being mindful about your budget for furnishing and decorating your new home. And if you’re not financially ready to make a purchase yet, don’t be afraid to let go of that house you’ve been eyeing on because there’s always a better house ahead.

Save up for a downpayment.

You don’t have to save up for the full payment of a house if it’s still not possible with your income. But you can at least save up for a downpayment of 20% or more. Aside from lowering down your monthly payments, you can also save a substantial amount by not having to pay for private mortgage insurance, which is 1% of your loan’s total value. 

Re-evaluate your budget.

A lot of first-time homebuyers make the mistake of assuming that they’ll only need to pay for the house and nothing more than that. But you have to remember that once you’re done with the downpayment, you’ll also need to think of other costs like renovating or furnishing your home on top of your usual daily living expenses. 

For this reason, it’s very important to re-evaluate your budget and cut down whenever you can so you’ll have some breathing room for those extra costs after buying your house. Sacrificing your budget for shopping or dining out will reap you bigger rewards in the future. And if you’re struggling with budgeting, you can always seek professional financial advice from companies like Lifestyle Financial Services.  

Be open to adjustments.

Chances are, you already have a vision of how you’d want your home to be. But once you start shopping for properties, you should stick to a home for sale within your price range to avoid spending more than you can afford and end up being in debt after buying your house. You can also check out different locations because some homes are cheaper in other neighbourhoods. 

The takeaway

As you step into a huge milestone in your adult life, it’s very important to know how to do things right so you can fully enjoy your home without any worries at the back of your mind. 

The Five Essentials You’ll Need for Your Home


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It’s one thing to build a house and another to furnish it. After all you’ve been through with the construction process, now it’s time to find the right products to really make your house a home. But here’s the thing: there are at least a million products out there that you can buy. So what do you really need? We have five suggestions:


  1. A mattress


Before you invest in a couch or chandelier, think about where you’ll be spending most of your time in. That’s right, your bedroom. So if you are to make a splurge for your home, make it on a comfortable mattress, which will actually benefit you more than you know. A good mattress could actually prevent back problems and promote better sleep, which translates to better health. Never cut corners when buying a mattress and you’ll thank yourself for it.


  1. Essential oils


With everyone needing peace of mind in this chaotic world, essential oils have become such a huge trend for a lot of homeowners. Just imagine the feeling of being in a spa without going to one. Just scatter essential oil diffusers around your home, find the right oils depending on your needs and relax away. 


  1. Window treatments


Most homes these days have huge windows to encourage the use of natural light. But as much as you’d love to bask in the sun’s rays, there are still days when you’d love complete privacy and in that case, you’ll need the right window treatments for your home. Aside from adding that hint of character to your space, a window treatment also allows you to control the amount of natural light coming in, increase your home’s insulation and even reduce your energy bills in the long run. Now that’s a good investment. 


  1. Plants


Green thumb or not, it’s good to have a few plants in and around your home. Nature-inspired spaces are such a huge trend these days because they don’t only break the monotony that most modern homes have, but they also help clean the air around your home. The great thing about decorating your house with plants is that you can choose from a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and species. You can also play with different types of plants around your space for added texture.


  1. A couch 


Finally, you’d want a space in your house that you can really relax in after a busy day. It could be your bedroom, reading nook, or TV room. Whatever that room is, you’ll need a good couch to relax in while you enjoy a book, watch Netflix, drink a cup of coffee or just take a nice weekend nap. You have a lot of options for couches. The trick here is to find a couch that fits your space perfectly, one that speaks to your style and of course, a product that you can enjoy for a long time. 


These five essentials are great additions to any home, which also make them a smart investment to truly transform your space into your own. 

House and Land Waterford

You Should Consider Moving to the Countryside: Here’s Why

There was a time when the concept of “making it” involved moving to the big city and living the life many dream of. But now that cities are already crammed with high-rise buildings, cars, and endless crowds, a lot of us are starting to miss those days when we lived in small towns where everyone knew each other and everything was simple.

There has been a trend towards countryside living in Australia, especially in New South Wales where there’s now a boom in residential developments by AVID and other companies. Here’s why you should start considering a move to the countryside:

You get to enjoy a healthier lifestyle.

Life in the city has become so toxic that a beautiful apartment and a high-paying job may not keep you from burning out anymore. Places like New South Wales offer that reprieve that a lot of us have been aching for—clean air, lots of green spaces, less crowds and just a sense of peace that was long gone in the city due to industrialisation. House and land packages near Newcastle are selling like pancakes, which proves that a lot of people are already aching for a healthier lifestyle with less stress and more opportunities to live in the present.

You feel connected. 

Living in the countryside makes you feel connected with nature, your friends, and your family. You don’t need to worry about all the stresses that are associated with living in the city, such as traffic, pollution, and commuting. In the countryside, you can go to your neighbours for a quick talk whenever you like and visit your doctors or dentists without worrying about traffic and pollution.  When you’re living in the countryside, you get to enjoy walking comfortably at night as everybody knows everybody. You can allow your children to play outside and just live your life without worrying too much about safety. 

You get excellent weather for most of the year.

Unlike cities that are hot and cramped, the countryside is known for its good weather. New South Wales especially offers pleasant weather for most of the year where the temperatures are ideal, the summers are just hot enough, and the winters are not too freezing. If you want to experience snowfall, you can choose to live in the higher parts of New South Wales or if you love a more humid climate, you can go north near the border of Queensland.

You get to live your best life.

Finally, living in the countryside allows you to go back to when life was simple yet more fulfilling without taking you completely away from the conveniences of urban life. Just imagine being able to drive through the streets with less traffic and get easy access to natural attractions like caves, falls, and national parks. Countryside living offers that perfect balance between building a modern life and still enjoying the simple pleasures that once gave you the contentment that you’re now craving.

So if you feel burned out, stressed and just wanting to pack up and go somewhere more peaceful, then it’s about time to start considering a move to the countryside. 


What Does It Really Take to Enjoy Your Home?

You built your home with the idea that it’s going to be your refuge at the end of every busy day. But now that the realities of being a homeowner have set in, you find yourself going through the motions of running a household and not feeling relaxed in your own home.

So, how do you change that? We’ve rounded up some easy tricks to make you feel at home in your own space:

Embrace your style. Do you remember those late nights when you couldn’t stop pinning those beautiful pictures on Pinterest? Look back at those photos and they’ll tell you what your style is. If you have a knack for collecting things just like Interior Stylist and Author Sibella Court, display them in your home so it evokes that feeling of being your space. And to keep everything organized, she advises: “I collect as much shelving, labels, boxes, and drawers as much as I collect things. So everything has a place—I can remember where everything is.”

Keep things that matter. Marie Kondo is popular for introducing the Konmari Method, a way of tidying your space and keeping only the things that spark joy. The philosophy behind it is that the more clutter you have, the less peaceful you feel in your home. It also makes

the space more cramped than it really is. Take the time to go through your things and keep only those that still matters to you. Donate or sell the things that you are not using anymore and find a place for those that still spark joy.

Spend more time at home. Maybe you’re too busy dealing with life that you forgot to take a moment and really soak in the comforts of your home. On your days off, try to stay at home and do the things that you love. Turn one of those corners into a reading nook and devour all the content that you can from things that tickle your fancy. If you love beauty and style, for instance, you’ll enjoy reading online magazines like Beauticate.

Splurge on your comfort. Have you been putting off buying those fancy sheets just because you think they’re too expensive? Go ahead and get them for yourself. Indulge in things that make your home look and feel more comfortable, so you can enjoy your space. If you fancy lighting scented candles in the living room, go for it. There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to little luxuries every now and then.

Finally, don’t forget to take it easy and just have a good laugh. Blast your playlist while you do some housework, as music tends to cut cleaning time in half. Play with your pet before going to work or watch the funniest videos online before you go to sleep. There are so many simple things around your home that can make a difference to your day.  It’s all about discovering what you love and incorporating them into your home. Once you find that formula, you’ll never want to leave.


EMLA Cream for Local Anaesthesia

This booklet is about the use of EMLA Cream and the cream is used to numb an area of the skin that is called local anesthesia. It can be used before taking blood with a spine or putting a drip, or before a small surgical process that can be painful. This booklet has been written for parents and caregivers about how to use this medication in kids. Please read this booklet carefully. Keep it in a safe place so you can read it again.

Why Is It Important to Use This Cream?

The cream can help reduce any distress or pain your child may feel during a minor process, such as when blood is drawn or a cannula is placed, or during a small surgical process like removing a lump. Whether the cream is not applied, the process may have to be canceled or delayed, or your child may feel discomfort or pain during the process.

When Should I Use EMLA Cream?

EMLA cream should be applied at least 1 hour before a needle processor 2 hours before a surgical process like a skin graft. The person who gives the cream will tell you when to apply it and where to apply it to your child’s body. You will probably be asked to apply the cream to more than one site. If the formula is delayed and the effect of the cream has disappeared, consult your doctor or nurse before continuing to apply.

How Much EMLA Cream Should I Use?

Your doctor will tell you how much EMLA Cream you should apply: this is the right amount for your child. You may be instructed to apply a full tube of cream at each site, more than one tube or part of a tube. It is important that you follow the doctor’s instructions about how much to use. Check here!

How Should I Give It?

Squeeze the cream from the tube over the area of the skin that will go numb. Do not rub it. Place a waterproof dressing over the cream to keep it in place. They will give you these with the cream. Wash your hands properly with soap and water as soon as you finish applying the cream. Take away the cream after 4 hours whether your child has not had the planned process. If your baby is less than 3 months old, you should take away the cream after 1 hour.

Take off the bandage and clean any cream with a tissue. The cream may have soaked all the skin. Don’t apply the cream on skin that has eczema or rash or is sore, bleeding or has a scab. The cream should not be applied to the eyes, nose, and ears, inside the mouth or near the posterior or genital passage.

Is There Any Possible Side Effect?

We use medications to improve our children, but sometimes they have other effects that we don’t want. If your child has a rash, swelling or feels weak, dazed or breathless after applying EMLA cream, they may be allergic to it. Clean the cream and take your child to the hospital immediately.

If you think someone may have swallowed some EMLA cream, contact your doctor immediately. Do not apply the cream anywhere inside the body, inside the mouth or in the ears, eyes, genitals or the posterior passage as it can enter the body from here. It should only be used on the skin. Check out this site:

Skin Tag Cream Or Natural Remedy – Which is For You?

If you’re thinking about fixing skin tags, you might need to use a skin numbing cream. Unfortunately, skin is unpredictable and when it doesn’t cooperate with you, it can leave you feeling a bit down. Skin tags are common issues for thousands and it’s an increasing problem, to say the least. However, can skin tag cream be the solution to your problem or should a more natural remedy be used? Which is the one for you?

Natural Remedies Can Help – To a Degree

Everyone looks for an at-home remedy that doesn’t require a lot of investment on their part and is easy to use. However, when it comes to skin tags, it’s not always easy to treat. The reason why is simply because it could be dangerous to attempt to fix the problem at home without a doctor’s help. Sometimes, natural remedies can be useful to reduce the appearance of the skin tags, but only to a degree. You could, of course, use skin numbing cream if you’re attempting to remove the tags, but again, it might not be suitable unless a doctor is present. learn more about life by clicking here

Skin Tag Cream Or Natural Remedy

Try Skin Tag Cream First

Like Emla, skin tag cream can be pretty effective to reduce the overall feature of the skin tags. However, as said above, remedies will have different degrees of success depending on the person. There may be some that find their conditions are far less noticeable after using cream, than before. Again, it’s going to depend on the person and the type of skin they have. Sometimes, the tags go by unnoticed and most people can get away with them, but again, others are not. Sometimes, doctors will remove them if the patient requests them and that’s always an option to discuss with your healthcare more about removing sink tags at

Seek Doctor’s Advice

If you’re having issues with skin tags and you want to get something done about them, it may be time to speak to a physician. Doctors can examine the skin and diagnosis the condition and then discuss what options you have. Some may request you try cream to help the condition and after a little while, say for you to return to them and then go ahead with the removal. Again, it’ll depend on the doctor you see and how bad the condition really is. Some doctors may not be overly keen to remove the skin tags unless there is a specific reason to. If they do go ahead with the removal, skin numbing cream might be used.

Know Your Options

Home remedies and creams are all fantastic options to consider. There are some who have tried both cream and home remedies and aren’t happy with the results. However, hopefully, you’ll have some good luck. When it comes down to skin tags and finding a solution for them, your best bet is to speak to a doctor and get some advice over the condition and what can be done. Emla and other creams are so often used, but again, skin tags are tricky to deal with at times and specialist creams might be required.

To Numb Or Not to Numb? That’s the Big Tattoo Question

Have you thought about skin numbing cream when getting a tattoo? To be honest, a lot of people haven’t heard about numbing cream, but it certainly raises an excellent question. Tattoos are exciting and they can be gorgeous pieces of artwork as well, but of course, there is a lot of pain associated with them. Have you had a tattoo before? Was it painful? Well, if you were lucky enough to get a tattoo without experiencing any pain, well done, but unfortunately, most people end up feeling the pain. So, numb or not? Should you opt for numbing cream?

How Good Are You At Pain?

Let’s be honest, if you can’t stand a paper cut or a little scratch then, you’re not going to like the pain from a tattoo. If you haven’t had a tattoo before, you should know that they are painful pieces of artwork. You’re getting a tattoo needle into the skin and that happens a thousand times over, (depending on the size of the tattoo) and as such, it can be extremely painful. Now, for some, the pain numbs after a little while or they get used to it, but for others, it’s not the case. If you aren’t good at dealing with pain, even a little bit, then numbing is for you. You could get Emla cream to numb the area before getting the tattoo. Of course, if you don’t mind the pain then there’s no need for the cream.If you want to learn skin care skills you can visit for professional courses.

To Numb Or Not to Numb? That's the Big Tattoo Question

Do You Want The Authentic Feel Of A Tattoo?

Whether you’re not a big fan of pain, have a think about whether or not you want an authentic tattoo feeling? Now, the pain from the tattoo can be minor, but again, it depends on your pain threshold. However, if you want an authentic feel and aren’t too bothered about the pain, there’s no need for skin numbing cream, click here to read more about skin numbing creams. Be warned however, the pain might not be something you can stand and if it gets too much, you could pass out or vomit. Of course, reactions vary from person to person.

A Personal Choice

Emla cream is an ideal solution for those who want to avoid the pain of a tattoo. However, whether you should numb the skin or otherwise, is really down to you and your personal feelings. You mightn’t be good with the pain, but if you want to go through the authentic feel then numbing mightn’t be necessary. On the other hand, if you’re really not good with pain and you don’t want to feel a thing, numbing cream is a wise solution. Again, it’ll come down to personal choice and feeling. If you’re not sure about what you should do, speak to your tattoo artist and they might be able to help you.

Courageous or Crazy? You Decide!

Tattoos, once completed, can look beautiful and very elegant and tasteful also. However, getting the actual tattoo is another matter entirely. For some, it’s not a pleasant experience and even though they’re good at handling pain, tattoo pain is something completely different. It’s going to last a fairly long time, even if you’re getting a small rose on your hip or a big dragoon on your back! That’s something you have to take into consideration when deciding if you want to numb the skin. Skin numbing cream is an option to consider and it’s something worth considering when you’re getting a new tattoo.

Using Numbing Anesthetic Cream for a Tattoo or Not

From Emla cream to aspirin, everyone wants to consider the possibility of numbing the areas they’re getting tattooed. Of course, most hardened tattoo enthusiasts will say numbing isn’t for them and that they are more than willing to take the pain that comes with tattoos. They are far braver people than many out there, but the truth is that a lot of people aren’t sure if they should using numbing anesthetic cream or not when they’re getting a tattoo. So, should a cream be used or should you just deal with the pain?

Think about how long you’ll be sitting in the Chair

Are you getting a dot as a tattoo? Are you getting a flower, a little dragoon or something much bigger? Remember, the bigger the tattoo, the bigger the pain. Even if you’re getting a small tattoo, the pain can still be pretty bad, but of course, it’s often worse when you’re sitting in the tattoo chair for hours at a time. So, how long are you going to sitting for the tattoo? If you’re going to be there for several hours, skin numbing cream might be called for to help reduce some of the overall pain you feel. However, if you’re only going to be there for five minutes, it mightn’t be more about skin care number creams at

Using Numbing Anesthetic Cream for a Tattoo or Not

Do You Want To Feel Pain?

The big question is whether or not you’re going to be happy with the pain?! Now, tattoos are painful, no matter how big or small they may be, and that means you have to decide if you’re ready to deal with it. How good are you at dealing with pain? Click here to know more about dealing with pains. Don’t you care about pain or can you handle it without vomiting or passing out? Those in extreme pain can pass out, and if you’re someone who has a very low threshold for pain, you’re not going to enjoy getting a tattoo without some Emla cream!

What Do You Feel About The Pain?

In all honesty, there are going to be thousands who say they don’t mind the pain and it’s all a part of the tattoo experience, and others who say it’s terrible and they don’t want to feel a thing. Deciding whether to use skin numbing cream or not, will come down to your personal thoughts and feelings. If you don’t like the idea of pain, you may feel numbing cream is essential. Then again, if you’re not too fussed and won’t be in the tattoo parlor for long, you might be happy to grit your teeth and bare the pain! Again, it’s going to be what you feel comfortable with.

Going without Numbing Is a Crazy Thought

While everyone has their opinion over skin numbing with tattoo, it’s a smart idea. Why is that? Well, it’s because tattoos are painful and it may not be something you’re used to. If you haven’t had a tattoo before and aren’t used to the pain that comes with it, then it’s recommended numbing the skin beforehand. However, it’s down to what you feel is best. Skin numbing can be effective for those who don’t like pain and can’t stand pain either. Think very carefully whether you’re thinking about Emla cream or not, look and see what it can do for you before getting a tattoo.