What Does It Really Take to Enjoy Your Home?

You built your home with the idea that it’s going to be your refuge at the end of every busy day. But now that the realities of being a homeowner have set in, you find yourself going through the motions of running a household and not feeling relaxed in your own home.

So, how do you change that? We’ve rounded up some easy tricks to make you feel at home in your own space:

Embrace your style. Do you remember those late nights when you couldn’t stop pinning those beautiful pictures on Pinterest? Look back at those photos and they’ll tell you what your style is. If you have a knack for collecting things just like Interior Stylist and Author Sibella Court, display them in your home so it evokes that feeling of being your space. And to keep everything organized, she advises: “I collect as much shelving, labels, boxes, and drawers as much as I collect things. So everything has a place—I can remember where everything is.”

Keep things that matter. Marie Kondo is popular for introducing the Konmari Method, a way of tidying your space and keeping only the things that spark joy. The philosophy behind it is that the more clutter you have, the less peaceful you feel in your home. It also makes

the space more cramped than it really is. Take the time to go through your things and keep only those that still matters to you. Donate or sell the things that you are not using anymore and find a place for those that still spark joy.

Spend more time at home. Maybe you’re too busy dealing with life that you forgot to take a moment and really soak in the comforts of your home. On your days off, try to stay at home and do the things that you love. Turn one of those corners into a reading nook and devour all the content that you can from things that tickle your fancy. If you love beauty and style, for instance, you’ll enjoy reading online magazines like Beauticate.

Splurge on your comfort. Have you been putting off buying those fancy sheets just because you think they’re too expensive? Go ahead and get them for yourself. Indulge in things that make your home look and feel more comfortable, so you can enjoy your space. If you fancy lighting scented candles in the living room, go for it. There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to little luxuries every now and then.

Finally, don’t forget to take it easy and just have a good laugh. Blast your playlist while you do some housework, as music tends to cut cleaning time in half. Play with your pet before going to work or watch the funniest videos online before you go to sleep. There are so many simple things around your home that can make a difference to your day.  It’s all about discovering what you love and incorporating them into your home. Once you find that formula, you’ll never want to leave.